"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shadow thinking...

       I painted this many years ago from life in about two hours. I had a good friend who willingly sat for me many times for no pay! (I gave her a painting eventually from one of our sessions). The changes that light and shadow make, especially on a face, always intrigue me. I am seeing in my mind's eye another such image and hope to find the right model soon. The cast shadows enliven the highlights and heighten the appreciation of form. Shadows are a wonderful invention!

       I've been reading What Good Are the Arts by John Carey and finding it a bit disheartening. He makes valid statements based on solid scholarship and the conclusions are mainly that one can love and appreciate the arts and still be a vile person. Yet, I find that so many people I meet through my work are truly wonderful and even amazing, often dealing with things in their lives I can't begin to comprehend, (one of my collector's has a schizophrenic daughter). They tell me that my paintings make them happy. They are uplifted and enhanced in their lives by art, and not just mine. One of our blogging family,
Suzanne Berry, has just suddenly lost her life partner, Tim. He was still young...it was so unexpected...and it seems so cruel and pointless. But Suzanne is maintaining strength, dignity, and hope somehow, and still thinking about her painting, and how to let that be an aide in her healing. Her grief is real and intense and it probably will be a bumpy time for her but I feel that she is going to be all right. This is what good the arts are...



  1. HI there "You"!... Messages are as eloquent and valid when expressed in paint... as they can be... in words!

    We are ALL... Messengers and Minstrels... each of us carrying our own song to be shared with those that we encounter! Together ... "We" are a choir... no longer single "voices'.

    Artists' energies when combined... no matter their art form... construct a reality based upon Joy... Hope and Possibility! Can you imagine a world without literature... poetry... painting... sculpture... architecture... song and dance????

    How dreary the thought of such an existence!
    Paint on... knowing that your single voice makes a difference for so many!

    Your exquisite portrait... though from your Past... Today defies the effects of years. It is as current and eloquent in sound... as your lovely words in this post!

    Well said Karen!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  2. This is a beautiful painting and an equally beautiful post. Thank you for sharing both. Suzanne is in my prayers. When I read her news last week I had to walk away from my computer for the rest of the day. I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach and I just couldn't get my wind back. Thankfully, I had some art to work on as I dealt with the emotions.


  3. Well, Karen...I haven't read the book but am not at all fond of Carey's pessimistic and dark turn of thought. Yes, there can be the most vile of people who love art (think Hitler), but I'd be surprised if that were not the exception rather than the rule. Rules always have exceptions, right?

    I think this is one gorgeous portrait of your friend! I love the way you've handled that background. The shadowing on her face is amazing, and the colors all come together absolutely exquisitely!!

  4. Hi, Karen,

    What a beautiful portrait and the light dancing on the plains in her face are truly captivating.

    I wish I lived near you. I think a man's features would be a unique change for you. I had modeled professionally for years in the fashion industry and now that my face has matured and I am back in "model" shape, I was shocked to hear from my former agent and model friends that my face is far better now with the sharper angels and character lines.

    Hopefully life will enable us to meet. I love your work and would LOVE to see it in person. Good luck in finding that perfect model... I know you will.

    I must say it was nice to hear.

  5. Karen - I was particularly drawn to the lovely way you handled the complicated shadow pattern on the model's face - a lesser artist would have allowed the pattern to dominate but you used it to great advantage, my focus is on her lovely expression and the shadows add just the right touch of mystery. I wish I had painted it!

  6. Hi Sue, Well THANK YOU for such a lovely compliment! This young woman (who is no longer that young:-)
    posed for me often and was really wonderful to paint as her face had nice angles and I loved her hair!

    And Hi to you too, Michael, I too would love to meet with you some time...I thought you had been a model or at least should have as you have a great face and would be a lot of fun to draw and paint! Are you considering getting back into modeling? I would think there is a market for a handsome "mature" male model especially with so many of us baby boomers getting older and trying to stay young looking!

  7. Very nice work here. I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog.
