"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Step in the right direction

     I chained myself to my art table (well, not literally) and worked this afternoon to overcome what was rapidly becoming a self defeating attitude. (Thanks Bruce for, once again, giving the needed pep talk:-). It is not the end of the world when the mind blocks but it sure is distracting. I started to feel it coming back and while this is not a top drawer piece it is beginning to have some of the sense of control that my personality type requires. I don't mind happy accidents but I do like to have a fairly close connection and concept to what the heck I'm doing. Choosing an all white setup was probably not the smartest way to jump back in. The light was changing a bit from the window and the overhead lights added some unwanted yellow cast but next session I might get out my colour corrected light stand and go over this again. Or just start something else. Right now I have to get back to all the petitions for world justice that I have lined up to sign. Apparently when enough individuals gather together to say the same thing the powers that be sometimes listen,(Occupy Wall Street case in point), although I have to admit I am glad there isn't a group out there getting ready to occupy my studio right now.

AshCan School - I Don't THINK so!

       I have not joined the Ash Can School of art but you wouldn't know it by the result of my first attempt to get back into painting. It put me off so much that I haven't looked at it in three days. I have changed the set up now a bit to simplify it even more and have taken myself to task to really LOOK at the colours that are in this piece of crockery. My head is floating around in clouds and down in the depths of confusion. I will be better again. I have to be up to my chops again. This is disgusting me. It didn't help to get the news that my piece, "Girl in a Garden" had to be sent back to me and won't be in the FCA 70th Anniversary show - it arrived "damaged." I don't know what that means as I haven't seen it yet, but I can surmise that the glass is broken. They have told me though, that the piece will still be seen on the website for the show so that is something. I shall have to switch to using plexiglass I suppose but I always worry about static electricity causing migration of pastel particles to the under
surface of the glass. I hate using fixatives as they can blob and discolour sometimes. 

       Meanwhile I have to get started my mantra while facing the setup and trying again, "I DO know how to paint, I DO know how to paint..."

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pencil to paper

       It's pencil to paper! I broke through the wall, so to speak:-) Now if I can just get through all the past paperwork, emails, blog and FB posts, plus catching up on 68 Lines and Colors RRS feeds...www.linesandcolors.com check it out - wonderful artwork to look at from amazing artists around the world! There are just too many out there and the competition is killing me! But it's great never-the-less. Keeps everyone on their toes - kicks out the complacency - and keeps everyone sharp.
       Today I will put brush to paint to canvas...I swear!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Working up some steam

       It is finally beginning to happen...every day I move closer to actually putting brush to canvas!  I now have a simple still life set up and feeling that rush of anticipation to actually start. Putting aside the continuing pain of my stupid ankle, leg, foot thing is much more possible when I'm focused on something else. (I do think I may have to revisit a doctor if this isn't feeling better in a week or so). 

       I'm going to use a limited palette and keep the design simple, on a small canvas (5x7). Working from the still life direct, not photos will also stimulate my thinking processes. This jug has been a favorite subject off and on for a couple of years. Once this is completed I should be well on my way to larger, more challenging stuff again. Just deciding today which lighting to use.

       It amazes me how easily and quickly the muse can disappear and how hard it can be to coax her back. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Time to get motivated

To Tell A Story  -  oil  -  16"x40"

     Yesterday I received in the mail my certificate of Best Figurative/Portrait Award from the Annual International Representational Show (AIRS) through the FCA in Vancouver, BC. It is for the painting, "To Tell A Story," which seems to be a big hit with everyone who sees it. Along with the certificate came an unexpected surprise - a cheque for $500! Wow. And that almost covers the amount of money I have spent on entry fees in the past few years. Now that gives me a kick in the seat. I have been struggling with feeling up to getting back to painting and what more motivation could one ask for? Now the problem is, what do I do for an encore? Am I only as good as the last painting? Where was my head when I came up with this canvas? Can I get there again? Can I top this? Should I even care if I can or not? But no pressure...I wish. It's ok. With all the stuff going on in the world my little problems "don't amount to a hill of beans" as Bogey said. See. I feel better already!

      I think I'll stick with starting back in slowly. I have a request from one of my collectors ( I have like three collectors so it's one of those:-), for another one of my tiny jug paintings. That would be a good, not too demanding project to reacquaint myself with paints and brushes. I can't believe how daunting it feels though. My foot, ankle, and leg are continuing to be quite painful but I am gradually reclaiming mobility. I spend way too much time on this computer and this morning I deactivated subscriptions to a few newsletters. I may have to deactivate a few more before I'm done. Meanwhile I have to take up my supplies and actually begin. I did get a small canvas out the other day and I have looked at it. It's a start.