"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Friday, October 14, 2011

Time to get motivated

To Tell A Story  -  oil  -  16"x40"

     Yesterday I received in the mail my certificate of Best Figurative/Portrait Award from the Annual International Representational Show (AIRS) through the FCA in Vancouver, BC. It is for the painting, "To Tell A Story," which seems to be a big hit with everyone who sees it. Along with the certificate came an unexpected surprise - a cheque for $500! Wow. And that almost covers the amount of money I have spent on entry fees in the past few years. Now that gives me a kick in the seat. I have been struggling with feeling up to getting back to painting and what more motivation could one ask for? Now the problem is, what do I do for an encore? Am I only as good as the last painting? Where was my head when I came up with this canvas? Can I get there again? Can I top this? Should I even care if I can or not? But no pressure...I wish. It's ok. With all the stuff going on in the world my little problems "don't amount to a hill of beans" as Bogey said. See. I feel better already!

      I think I'll stick with starting back in slowly. I have a request from one of my collectors ( I have like three collectors so it's one of those:-), for another one of my tiny jug paintings. That would be a good, not too demanding project to reacquaint myself with paints and brushes. I can't believe how daunting it feels though. My foot, ankle, and leg are continuing to be quite painful but I am gradually reclaiming mobility. I spend way too much time on this computer and this morning I deactivated subscriptions to a few newsletters. I may have to deactivate a few more before I'm done. Meanwhile I have to take up my supplies and actually begin. I did get a small canvas out the other day and I have looked at it. It's a start.


  1. Congratulations on the award and the check!! That just can't be beat. :) Oh Karen I think about topping my latest best painting all the time, and usually I don't. I always end up thinking, "why did I think I could paint again?" I'm teaching a portrait class tomorrow and am freaking out that I'm a no talent hack who has no clue what she's doing and these poor people paid good money for me to teach them something! EEEK!!

    Ok, I've vented for the both of us. All will be well. You have so much talent Karen. Of all the figure artist's that I study you are one of my very favorites. There is something so thought provoking and mesmerizing about your work. I love it. Now let's see your next painting! Good luck! Glad you're feeling better too. :)

  2. Glad you are on the mend, Karen and wow, what a fabulous surprise to receive a check for all your hard work. Super!
    Carol B.

  3. Congratulations, Karen!!! So well deserved. This is an amazing piece...Flawless!!!

  4. Congratulation! Glad you're healing well! Hoping you're back at the easel and feeling motivated soon:)

  5. Something is so magical in this piece, Karen. I can see why you won and am so happy for you! Recognition and a financial reward? It doesn't get much better than that in the art world, I don't think! You can do it! And I can't wait!!

  6. Oh keep going, she's gorgeous and so can see why you won! Just keep painting I know you'll make awesome art every time! :)

  7. Congratulations on your award and cash. What a lovely, and well-deserved, surprise! I know your next canvas will be gorgeous, as well. Try not to worry, just begin, one step and then another.

    I wish you continued healing, so that very soon you will no longer be in pain, my friend.

  8. I love this painting so much. As a fellow artist who survived a broken ankle, I wish you a total recovery. I broke my ankle just after I started blogging, and blogging was a gift when I couldn't get up and down stairs easily. I can now do most of what I did before, and the ankle still tells me when I've overdone it. This painting is absolutely spectacular. I look forward to the next one. Blogging is an amazing gift. So is your work.

    XO Barbara

  9. Thanks so much everyone! Barbara, you will fully understand how the broken ankle impedes finding the motivation to be working in the studio. For several weeks I just wanted to rest and heal...I read a great deal. I still have a lot of pain but gradually there is more mobility. I just have to be patient. I am hoping painting again will keep my mind off this injury and allow me to get back some momentum.

  10. congratulations! it is absolutely gorgeous, sweetness, colours, sentiment, truly lovely!

    and i also want to say that i appreciate your comments about veganism a lot, even if i'm far from there yet, but vegetarian of course, i'm happy whenever i "stumble over" a kindred soul regarding the animal welfare issues:)

  11. hi karen just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS ..it's a special painting ... glad you're getting back into your studio .
