"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Monday, October 11, 2010

Nicole Up Close and Personal

I decided to post this close up detail of Nicole since I have received comments and emails about her skin tones. I struggled with this for quite some time and kept scraping off what I had done. I finally realized that there was a lot of yellow light bouncing around in the trellis area, a distinct
lemon colour, greenish and pale. When I used that it seemed to come to life at last. In a photo it is harder to see, unfortunately. In any case, this gives a better idea of what is going on in those skin tones. Lots of Permanent Rose also for the reflection from the deep red flowers, especially around the chin. Used a pale, greyed lavendar on her forehead. I felt like I was painting a clown face at the time but it worked! I am very appreciative of everyone's enjoyment of this painting. No word yet on how its doing with the Blossom show jury.


  1. I hope you win!!! Did you paint in oils or acrylic. I'm guessing it is in oil. The tones are so rich and vibrant, yet subtle at the same time. As I said earlier, she looks just like a photo. Perfect! Who was your model? She is darling.

  2. Hi there Karen!... Thank you for sharing this detail! It really does show/explain how you achieved the variations of skin tone that you have developed to create that "blush of youth" that you have achieved.

    Your very strong draughtsmanship is very evident too... especially in regard to the mouth, lip and eyebrow shapes - all very difficult and receding angles to deal with!

    Your use of complementaries around the face... reds with greens really helps justify and enhance your face tones -wonderful!

    This Paint Box jury's verdict is in on this piece.
    WINNER!... in every respect!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  3. Hi Karen, Beautiful job on this! Beautiful lights especially the refected light really warms her up!

  4. This is just breathtaking, Karen! Thanks for sharing, and for the pic of your 'friend' the bear - YIKES!

  5. Karen, this is a "winner". What a beautiful portrait of Nicole. She's beautiful. The colors are amazing...the shadowing on her face..Perfect!!

  6. You are so right - The reflective yellows do bring life to this portrait. I was at a critique recently where the judge discussed at length how important it is to always hide colors wherever you can, whenever you can, to make your paintings look "alive." He used that very same word. This is a perfect example of what he (Tony Barham) was talking about. Love it!

  7. I have to agree. The light on her left cheek really makes this stand out. Excellent.

  8. It is just absolutely stunning Karen. I could look at it for hours and hours. LOVE the skin tones, they're perfect in my opinion. Good luck with the competition, if it doesn't win then I would have to question the judges decision, respectfully of course! lol. :)
