"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Losing the "big picture"

          Coming along, coming along, and nail biting being avoided. Yesterday I made the mistake of losing the "big picture" and spent too much time picking away at a very small area:

          Studying the work of a few landscape artists whose work I admire is helping me to get back on track; artists like Bruce Sherman and Brian Buckrell.
We'll see what today's session brings.


  1. Good Morning there You!... Your progress is wonderful and loose... still... despite your "nail-biting" and uncertainty! "Painterly" is the word!

    Whenever one works outside of their genre... self-doubt will always follow close behind. Process is everything... no matter the genre.

    Learning to feel comfortable in the Flow in that process can only be attained with lots of practice... and yes... challenges. But that is where true learning and growth comes from really.

    You are and exceptionally fine draughtswoman... a portrait painter with sensitivity and insight galore. But you're "in the bush" now Gal. The rules change... and so must the process.

    Hold those small brushes in reserve until the close. Load the brush rather than glaze. The landscape requires a feel of texture and mystery. She refuses to stand still... or to hold her pose. She will sulk... and act against your will.

    Own the painting Karen!!! Take charge... and simply... PAINT!!! You are focussed too much on what other people will think.... while you are painting... and whether this "model" will be received by the public as your portraits have been in the past.

    It's already a very creditable landscape... even if it was sent off today to be seen. It is honest... has structure... mood and most of all ... a feeling of place! Bravo! Now get at it!

    Good Painting!
    Warmest regards,

  2. Karen, this is just lovely...somehow this reminds me of the south...breathtaking, truly.

  3. Thanks, you guys! Bruce, thank you also for your insight and suggestions...I am taking them to heart!
