"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fruit and Privilege

It looks like I might even get this finished by Originals Only showtime next week. I have been sluggish and distracted. Yesterday's unusually lovely weather lulled me into a bit of a stupor for a while as I sat on the deck with this pastel in front of me, my tools next to me and my mind drifting.

I've been reading "All Art is Propaganda" which is critical essays by George Orwell. It is interesting and enlightening to discover that things are not so terribly different now from that time (late 30's, early and mid- 40's). Fears of a totalitarian takeover of the planet were high and artists were caught in the middle of feeling they had to take sides or be damned by all. Being able to fuss over the arguments between fascism, democracy, social democracy, and communism was for the privileged middle classes of most western countries but the great masses of the planet's population were concerned with just staying alive. It's the same now. I am not wealthy by any means but I am privileged to live in reasonable safety and have enough to eat.  Meanwhile millions are on the verge of utter devastation in the Horn of Africa.  I ignored the debt I have again (it gets paid down and then starts to build again no matter how careful we are) and contributed to UNICEF. It should be more. Taking heart in the peace and good fortune I experience here in my small mountain retreat and sending out hope and love to all those who living - and dying - on the edge. I can even afford to pose some fruit for a painting without worrying about how soon I can eat it.


  1. This is going to be a "winner". Beautiful colors and you can almost feel that fuzzy peach!!! I love it.

  2. Hi there Karen!... A good jump on the deadline!
    Lovely the silky texture in rendering of the the peaches and the reflections on the vase are handled wonderfully!

    We share common concern... bordering on shame that we simply parade down grocery aisles and load our carts with pretty much what we wish... never realizing that (too) many others unfortunates in undeveloped countries... and even in the poorer sectors of our own towns and cities lack food and water of any kind... or quality.

    Our conscience and actions are our only answer for these faceless and vulnerable brothers and sisters!

    Good Painting... and Good luck at the exhibition!

    Warmest regards,

  3. Thanks, Bruce. The cost of food and shelter is increasing and we are finding that we have to choose more carefully as time goes by - some things we just can't afford. Never-the-less, the food is available and there is always something we CAN afford to buy (rice and beans are cheap, a complete protein and quite delicious). Water in Canada is plentiful and ours comes right off our mountain into our house, gravity fed - how lucky can we be? For people around the world this is undreamed of luxury and I fully appreciate it as I know you do your good fortune. If I could be world leader nobody would go hungry or thirsty or without decent shelter, but all I can do is sign the petitions and pray for saner leadership...and contribute what I can to those in the trenches actually physically helping!

  4. This is looking so beautiful! I can't wait to see more of it!

  5. Karen you are an amazing person. Not only do I love to look at your art, which is the work of a master in my opinion, but I love reading your sensitive words. You really do have the soul of an artist. :)

  6. Hi Autumn, thanks for following! and your very nice comment! Crystal you make me blush...I'm not a perfect person by any means but I know when things aren't right and it just really bothers me that I have so little power to fix stuff:-) I guess it gets to most of us sometime or other.

  7. can almost pick up the jar karen ... just fantastic

  8. this is coming along so beautifully, i can't wait to see it progress! and, as always, your words are as illuminating as your art!

  9. Beautiful work! Love the milky glass and the subtle reddish reflection in the pitcher.

    Thank you for your reminder of how incredibly fortunate we are. Whatever we can do, no matter how little, will help. Even if it's only $5 or $10. I'm like you...struggling...but try to donate. Sometimes I have to rotate the causes but at least I know I'm doing what I can.

  10. Yes, Gwen. I too have to "rotate" the causes I donate to...just don't have the money for everything that is important to me but I think every little bit helps (as long as the money actually gets to those who NEED it!).
