"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Courage can be green!

It took some courage but I plunged in and put colour all around her, keeping the emphasis on her face and the flowers behind her. I didn't work on this for two days because I had to take my dog, Brandy, to the vet for emergency surgery, (an altercation with a dog who tried to get at her through our fenceline...long story). Then we had to go back down to Courtenay to get her yesterday. I hadn't looked at this since Monday and when I did today I was relieved that what I had done looked ok.

I spent the morning catching up on a lot of things which seem to pile up in such a short time! Bob and I are involved with several groups dealing with human, animal, and world welfare and the correspondence is taking more and more time. I am just glad that it is much easier these days to make your stance on issues known and to have some effect on what happens due to the numbers of people who also feel the same way. It is hard sometimes not to feel really dispirited by all the injustices, though, and how impossibly complex some of these things are. Hardly anything is b & w.  Do one thing and it has an unexpected consequence, do another and it changes everything...but often enough the results are positive so it is worth it to keep trying!

Now I really, REALLY need to get back to this painting. I am supposed to send a jpeg of it to the people publicizing the show it will be in next month so I told them they would have it by the end of this week. Yikes. One day! 

But first things first, nourishment so I can stay at the drawing table for endless hours without faltering! Some kind of vegan treat from one of the dozen or more new vegan cookbooks Bob has bought for our kitchen. Hmmm, do I have time for that mouth watering avocado/potato salad recipe? No maybe I should just go for a veggie sandwich and get back out to the studio pronto! 

PS  Thanks to everyone who has commented on this piece - I blush from your compliments! It's nice having fans:-)


  1. Karen, this is looking phenomenally good!!! I love the boldness of the pinks and greens in the flowers so I'm glad you've stuck with it and didn't change your mind after the short break. Wow, really, I'm blown away! Well done and I can't wait to see more!

  2. It is coming along beautifully, Karen...you've got it made.

  3. your florals are exquisite Karen!

  4. I have a feeling that you work well under deadline pressures. She will be finished and sensational.

  5. WOW!!! each phase is a finished painting! beautifully done thus far. good luck with the deadline.

    i hope your pup is ok! raz and blu send their love and good wishes for a speedy recovery.
