"Everybody knows a work of art takes at least an hour!" Lucy to Linus, (Peanuts)

FineArtViews Painting Competition - Twice in the Fav 15%

http://canvoo.com/boldbrush/badge/13203 three times selected for FAV15%, Fine Art Views Bold Brush Painting Competition

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sometimes you have to stop

Added a couple of things, changed a couple of things, but I am not all that happy with this. I am glad to have given it a try and learned a few things, (how to paint a white ceramic sink for instance). Time to move on.


  1. karen i think it looks excellent to me...re sink ..the only thing that catches my eye are the highlights only between the taps

  2. Yes, that was the reality due to reflection from the lights over the mirror - the reflection wasn't wider than the taps but perhaps I should consider extending them beyond the taps anyway.

  3. came back to have a look karen , ... i hope you do manage enter it's an excellent piece .

  4. I have decided against entering this year - I wasn't prepared for all their rules of entry! I need to pay more attention to that stuff!
